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Latest UK M&A Statistics for Q2 2022

The UK Office for National Statistics have just released their latest statistics for Q2 2022 for Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies for Q2 2022, during the period April to June 2022.

N.B. These include only transactions with a value of £1 million or more.

UK M&A Statistics for Q2 2022 Headlines

Total number of monthly mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals involving a change in majority share ownership was virtually unchanged between April (131) and May 2022 (130) before decreasing notably to 72 completed deals in June 2022.

  • There were 333 completed M&A transactions in Q2 (Apr-June) 2022; this is a sizeable decrease of 116 deals compared with Q1 (449) and 167 fewer than Q2 2021 (500).
  • The value of outward M&A was £4.5bn, which is £1.7bn more than Q1 (Jan-Mar) 2022 (£2.8 bn).
  • Inward M&A was £16.1bn, an increase of £0.5bn from Q1 2022 (£15.6bn).
  • Domestic M&A reached £2.9bn, £0.9bn less than in Q1 (£3.8bn).

Monthly UK M&A Q2 2022

Monthly M&A activity has been indirectly affected by Covid-19 and increased economic uncertainty arising from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The total number of M&A deals completed in April 2022 was 131, with a similar number (130) in May 2022, before falling to 72 deals in June 2022.

Monthly domestic M&A saw a month-on-month decrease in completed transactions, 67 deals in April, falling to 62 in May and a sharp decrease in June to 29.

Inward M&A was consistent in April (43) and May (45) but decreased to 29 in June.

Monthly outward M&A numbers also stayed similar in April (21) and May (23), but declined to 14 in June.

The Bank of England’s Agents’ summary of business conditions report for Q2 (Apr-Jun) 2022 states that “some of the investment activity that had been delayed or stimulated by the pandemic had now been completed. And some contacts reported reassessing investment plans as the risks around generating return on investment had grown due to increased economic uncertainty, in part as a consequence of the war in Ukraine“. The same report also stated that “merger and acquisition activity appeared to be slowing from its previously high rates“.

Outward UK M&A Q2 2022

Value Outward UK M&A

The value of outward M&A in Q2 (Apr-Jun) was £4.5bn, an increase of £1.7bn from Q1 (Jan-Mar) (£2.8bn) but £3.9bn less than in the same quarter 2021 (£8.4bn).

The acquisition of Assiteca SPA of Italy by Howden Group Holdings Ltd of the UK was a notable outward acquisition in Q2.

Number Outward UK M&A

There were 58 outward M&A deals during Q2, 22 less than in Q1 (80) and 24 fewer deals than in Q2 2021 (82).

There were 11 outward disposals, valued at £2.8bn, which is notably higher than in Q1 (£0.3bn) when 11 disposals were also reported.

One notable outward disposal transaction that completed in Q2 was the sale of The Narragansett Electric Company of the USA by National Grid Plc of the UK.

Inward UK M&A Q2 2022

In Q2 (Apr-Jun) 2022, the total value of inward M&A increased to £16.1bn, an increase of £0.5bn compared with the Q1 (£15.6bn).

One notable inward acquisition that completed in Q2 2022 was the acquisition of Ortho Clinical Diagnostics Holdings Plc of the UK by Quidel Corporation of the USA.

Value Inward UK M&A

The value of inward M&A between Q2 2018 and Q2 2022 ranged from £2.8bn to £38.8bn

Number Inward UK M&A

There were 117 M&A deals in Q2, a decrease of 56 transactions on the Q1 (173) and 55 fewer than in the same period 2021 (172).

The number of inward M&A deals in Q2 (Apr-Jun) 2018 and Q2 2022 ranged from 81 to 221 transactions.

Domestic UK M&A Q2 2022

In Q2 2022 the value of domestic M&A was £2.9 billion, £0.9bn lower than Q1 (£3.8bn) and £15.0bn lower than in the same period 2021 (£17.9bn).

A large value domestic acquisition that completed in Q2 2022 was the acquisition of Marley Group Plc of the UK by Marshalls Plc of the UK.

Value Domestic UK M&A

The value of domestic M&A between Q2 2018 and Q2 2022 ranged from £0.9bn to £17.9bn.

Number Domestic UK M&A

There were 158 domestic acquisitions in Q2 2022, 38 fewer than in Q1 (196) and 88 less than in the same quarter 2021 (246).

The number of domestic M&A deals between Q2 2018 and Q2 2022 ranged from 158 to 335.

The above data for M&A Statistics for Q2 2022 was extracted from the Office of National Statistics; full details here.

Want to know how the latest UK M&A statistics for Q2 2022 are relevant to your company sale? Then contact us now for a confidential appraisal of market appetite in your industry.

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